Ecology and landscape

Ecology and landscape

The proposals at Sandford Park have been prepared with a landscape-led approach to ensure that the biodiversity across the site is protected and enhanced.

The development will see the enhancement of the historic and natural environment to create a network of multifunctional green infrastructure. Alongside the retention of existing landscaping, additional planting and landscaping will also take place to enhance the biodiversity on site.

Native tree species, and wetland loving perennials and shrubs will also be planted at the edge of the attenuation basin. Hedgerows, shrubs and wildflowers will also be planted forming boundaries throughout the site. As a result of the extensive additional planting of a diverse mix of species there will be an overall biodiversity net gain of 135%.

Additionally, measures will be undertaken to ensure that the new development is habitable for a variety of wildlife. There will be boxes provided throughout the site for birds and bats to form new nests and roosts as well as the creation of log piles and hibernacula to create shelter for reptiles, small mammals and insects.

