The development has been sensitively designed to reflect the local character of Great Baddow and wider surrounding areas.
The Masterplan Document was approved in November 2021, and now sits alongside the Chelmsford Local Plan and is a material planning consideration in the delivery of the Council’s spatial strategy.
The document was prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Council’s Masterplan Procedure for Local Plan Development Allocations to 2036 document. It provides a comprehensive analysis of the site’s constraints and opportunities leading to a masterplan and design framework that establishes a strong identity and sense of place for the development.
Masterplan Framework
Planning Submission
The hybrid application is comprised of the following:
Full application for residential development of: 342 dwellings, including 126 affordable dwellings (Class C3); landscaping; local open space; highway infrastructure; pedestrian, and cycle routes; vehicular and cycle parking; drainage works; ground re-profiling: and works to provide services and utilities. Change of use of land from agriculture to provide a country park, with associated works including the laying out of a visitor car park and access road.
Outline application for a phased development comprising the erection of 18 self-build dwellings (Class C3) with all matters reserved except access.
Illustrative site layout
Storey heights plan
Tenure plan
Parking plan
Refuse plan
Garden sizes plan