The development at Sandford Park promotes sustainable travel and aims to establish connections to the wider existing networks across Chelmsford.
The new road layout has been designed sensitively and efficiently to respect the landscape, setting of the Bronze Age ringwork and Conservation Area.
In addition to this, future residents will also benefit from proximity to the Sandon Park and Ride and local bus routes providing an opportunity for car free travel to the city centre and railway station. The sustainable travel opportunities also include routes for school children to nearby schools.
The site’s strategic location enables the advantage of walking or cycling into the city centre to access local facilities and amenities. The cycling and walking strategy forms part of the sustainable transport strategy to enable future and existing residents to access the city centre by bicycle. The map below shows the proposed cycle routes.
The cumulative impact of development going forward as a result of the Local Plan, including at this site, was considered through the Local Plan itself. Development of the site will be required to be accompanied by payment towards the City Council’s Community Infrastructure Levy, which is used to help fund infrastructure improvements across Chelmsford, including highways.
Access and movement plan
Primary access
The primary access for the site will be via a new 5-arm roundabout, which is being delivered alongside the development at Sandford Park.
As part of the wider allocation for East Chelmsford in the Chelmsford City Council Local Plan, it stipulates that access is required off Maldon Road and Sandford Mill Lane. The new roundabout conjoins Sandford Mill Lane and Maldon Road with the new development, helping improve traffic flow and alleviate pressures to existing roads.
Submitted 5-arm roundabout masterplan
In addition to the provision of vehicular access, the proposed 5-arm roundabout will also provide access for pedestrians and cycles. A 3m wide shared foot / cycleway is proposed along the southern side of the Maldon Road arms of the roundabout and a 3m wide segregated cycleway adjacent to a 2m wide footway will be provided along the northern side of the roundabout. This route provides a continuous, high-quality link within the application boundary which will help facilitate pedestrian and cycle movements to the wider area, including the Sandon Park and Ride to the east, and Great Baddow to the west.
Additionally, to enhance the pedestrian connectivity of the roundabout, a total of six crossing are proposed as part of the plans for the 5-arm roundabout, these include:
A 4m wide Toucan crossing on Maldon Road, west of Molrams Lane;
A 2m wide uncontrolled dropped kerb crossing on Molrams Lane;
A 5m wide parallel crossing on Site 3a access road;
A 5m wide parallel crossing on internal site road;
A 5m wide parallel crossing on Sandford Mill Lane; and
An uncontrolled crossing on Site 3c access road.
In October 2022, a joint application for the 5-arm roundabout was submitted by Hopkins Homes and Redrow under planning application reference: 22/01955/FUL, which is still awaiting determination.
In September 204, Hopkins Homes has submitted a new planning application, which seeks consent for an alternative junction layout to that sought by the joint application. Full details for the proposals can be found using the planning application reference: 24/01284/FUL.